Death is a topic that’s uncomfortable for many people, but knowing the signs of death can actually help a lot of people overcome their anxiety about it. For instance, knowing the signs of what will...
Death is a topic that’s uncomfortable for many people, but knowing the signs of death can actually help a lot of people overcome their anxiety about it. For instance, knowing the signs of what will happen to your mind and body in the week leading up to death can be vital...
We’ve all heard the phrase “behind every great man is a great woman,” but what truly makes a woman an outstanding life partner? Whether you’re newly married or years into a relationship, every couple eventually learns that it’s the deeper qualities that stand the test of time. According to...
When wedding bells ring, few couples imagine their union might one day crumble. While infidelity often takes center stage in discussions of divorce, deeper, less visible issues frequently spell doom for marriages. These underlying problems, left unchecked, can erode even the strongest bonds. Here’s a look at five critical issues that...
A dating website for married people called Ashley Madison conducted a survey for the age brackets where people are most likely to cheat on their partner. Over 2,099 participants were dividing the data into age brackets: 18 and under, 19 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50...
Is something in your relationship starting to feel off, but you’re not quite sure what it is? Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook behaviors that should set off alarm bells. Maybe you’ve been holding on, hoping things will change. But if your partner is showing certain troubling signs, it might...
A divorce expert has said that a lack of communication is the one thing most of his clients have in common. Conflict expert James Brien from Easy Online Divorce has said that whilst each relationship is different it is this breakdown in communication that he sees across multiple couples. James explained that...
Dating can be a tricky affair — especially when you’re after that once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. Sometimes, it’s not just about finding the right person but also steering clear of the wrong ones. The ones who seem right at first, but are just not cut out for the real...
For years, the phrase “my life flashed before my eyes” has been associated with near-death experiences. Now, science may have caught up with this idea. In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have recorded brain activity during a person’s final moments, revealing new insights into what happens as we transition from life to death....
We’ve all encountered them – those folks who are all smiles in person but gossip when you’re not around. They’re hard to spot, but there are certain traits they usually display. Now, these traits aren’t obvious, especially since these people tend to be friendly to your face. But identifying...
When it comes to identifying the characteristics of a truly good man, it can seem like an elusive concept. What makes one man good and another not so much? Is it simply a matter of personal preference or are there some universal traits that psychology suggests we should be...