September 18, 2024 Radio Marina

Over 521,000 traditional and alternative medical practitioners operating in the country are unregistered and unlicensed, the Traditional Medicine Practice Council (TMPC) has revealed The figure includes about 321,000 unregistered or unlicenced traditional medicine practitioners...

September 1, 2024 Radio Marina

Are you tired of dealing with pitting edema, swollen legs, and a round face that hints at underlying blood sugar issues? These symptoms can be frustrating and often linked to various health problems such...

Over 521,000 traditional and alternative medical practitioners operating in the country are unregistered and unlicensed, the Traditional Medicine Practice Council (TMPC) has revealed The figure includes about 321,000 unregistered or unlicenced traditional medicine practitioners and over 200,000 complementary alternative medical practitioners. The practitioners and institutions who are operating illegally...

The CEO of the Center of Awareness (COA) Research Manufacturing Company, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan, announced his firm with support from research partners in Dubai and South Africa has discovered an injectable vaccine that when given the needed support by the government, financial institutions and interested individuals can help...

Are you tired of dealing with pitting edema, swollen legs, and a round face that hints at underlying blood sugar issues? These symptoms can be frustrating and often linked to various health problems such as liver, kidney, or heart issues. You might even be worried that you’re consuming too...

A renowned Ghanaian-born, U.S.-based medical doctor, Dr. John de-Graft Johnson, has developed a groundbreaking robotic surgery device that performs surgeries without the need for direct human hand involvement. Dr. de-Graft Johnson, a veteran surgeon and the assistant operator of the robotic system, successfully performed a minimally invasive surgery in...

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