Okatakyie Afrifa, a fearless journalist, has recently made headlines after capturing four individuals on CCTV who allegedly attempted to take his life in his own home. Through his investigative work, Afrifa had been exposing corruption and illegal activities involving high-ranking officials in Ghana, leading to this shocking and chilling...

John Kwadwo Alan Kyerematen, an independent presidential aspirant has introduced Elijah Kwame Owusu Danso, a 40-year-old legal practitioner and former hiplife artiste as his running mate. Elijah Kwame Owusu Danso also known as E-Nice is one half of the defunct Echo hiplife group that sung the “Gologolo” hit single song featuring Tinny. He is...

The Minerals Commission has deleted crucial information about mining companies from its website after The Fourth Estate reported on how leading members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and government appointees had been granted concessions to mine and prospect in forest reserves. The deleted information pertains to the ‘contact persons’ of...

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