The King of the Ashanti Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Nana Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has reportedly destooled the chief of Ejisu Kwaso, Nana Nketia Boampon. According to multiple reports, the destoolment of Nana Nketia was ordered by Otumfuo during a sitting of the Asanteman Traditional Council tribunal on Thursday,...

Following in the footsteps of countless American retirees, Lionel Messi is moving to South Florida. Only instead of shuffleboard and canasta, the World Cup winner is continuing his professional soccer career with MLS’s Inter Miami CF, a last-place club owned David Beckham and the Florida-based Mas brothers. The decision is surprising, in...

It appears WhatsApp has once more taken inspiration from rival Telegram for its new feature, called WhatsApp Channels. The feature lets users privately follow people and organisations they want to get updates from, whether it’s Manchester City or FC Barcelona. Much like on Twitter, users can subscribe to channels and receive...

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