Arsenal midfielder Thomas Partey is set to miss Ghana’s upcoming international friendlies against the United States and Mexico in October due to a groin injury. Partey’s injury, sustained during Arsenal training before their Premier League victory over Manchester United, is expected to keep him out of action for six...

Renowned Nollywood actress and filmmaker, Ruth Kadiri Ezerika, has tackled Ghanaian televisions over alleged undue broadcasting of her content without proper authorisation. She warned them to desist from such acts, threatening legal actions against them if they persisted. In addition to expressing her displeasure over the unethical practice, the popular...

Member of Parliament for Korle Klottey constituency, Dr. Zenator Agyeman-Rawlings, has responded to the growing speculation that she might be chosen as running mate to former President John Mahama ahead of the 2024 general elections. Though she said it will be an honour, she noted that, the decision lies...

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, the presidential candidate hopeful of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), is set to address the public on today, September 5, 2023, following the analysis of the results of the Special Electoral College Election by his ‘Alan for President (A4P) 2024’ campaign team. The broadcast will...

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