Kwadwo Danso, a devoted father figure for 16 years, is grappling with a harsh reality of discovering he is not the biological father of the girl he has raised. Shocked by rumours and spurred by suspicion, he turned to Nhyira FM’s Obra show, seeking a paternity test.
The results shattered him, confirming his fears. Heartbroken, Kwadwo is demanding GH¢320,000 in compensation for his years of dedication, a request later negotiated to GH¢250,000. “I have consulted my uncle and we have decided to take Gh¢20,000 for each year making a total of Gh¢320,000 as spending on the child for the past 16 years I have fathered the child,” Kwadwo Danso demanded.
Akua Ataa, the girl’s mother, confessed to concealing the truth and collecting money from the biological father since the child was eight. The biological father whom the mother claims to be living in abroad is yet to respond to the issue.
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Source: ghanaweb