When you know that a woman has lost interest in you, it’s probably one of the most difficult things to deal with.
She might not have even directly communicated it to you but you can realize by some signs.
So in this article, we will provide you 13 ways that she doesn’t care anymore in a relationship.
1. She doesn’t care about you if she’s not willing to adjust her schedule to make time for you. A woman who truly cares about you would never be too busy to spend time with you.
2. She doesn’t care about you if she never compromises and always want things done her way. A woman who truly cares about you would be willing to compromise.
3. She doesn’t care about you if she avoids letting the world know you are her man. She refers to you as just a friend when she introduces you to others.
4. She doesn’t care about you if she always appears annoyed whenever you touch her. A woman who truly cares about you will desire your touch.
5. She doesn’t care about you if she always compares you to other guys and always tends to highlight the achievements of other guys.
6. She doesn’t care about you if she never puts her phone down when with you. There’s always someone important she needs to talk to or chat with whenever she’s with you.
7. She doesn’t care about you if she avoids being together with you in public.
8. She doesn’t care about you if she shares embarrassing details about you in public to get others laughing. A woman who truly cares about you would never make fun of you in public.
9. She doesn’t care about you if she never apologises when she’s wrong. She always disappears after an argument and it’s always you reaching out to apologise.
10. She doesn’t care about you if she never bothers or feel a little threatened when other women show interest in you. She isn’t bothered if she finds you flirting with someone else.
11. She doesn’t care about you if she has no idea what you are up to and she doesn’t even bother to find out. Nothing about your life bothers her.
12. She doesn’t care about you if her communication with you lacks emotion. She rarely calls you and is always quick to end the call when you call. Her messages are short and lack emotions.
13. She doesn’t care about you if she’s rarely in the mood for s3x. She gets irritated when you try to initiate s3x and you can’t remember the last time you had s3x with her.
If you notice these signs in your relationship, it’s time to quit that relationship.
Source: demicblog.com