Unmarried women match on streets with no bra to protest for men to marry more than one wife to reduce spinsterhood


In a shocking turn of events, a group of Finnish ladies took to the streets to protest for a rather unconventional cause – the legalization of polygamy.

The women, who were mostly braless and holding placards, chanted slogans demanding that men be allowed to marry multiple wives.

The protesters argued that allowing polygamy would reduce the number of spinsters in the country, claiming that many women are unable to find suitable partners due to a shortage of eligible men.

“We want to challenge the traditional norms and values that have led to a situation where many women are left without partners,” said one of the protesters. “By allowing polygamy, we can ensure that every woman has a chance to find a husband and build a family.”

The protest, which was held in the capital city of Helsinki, drew mixed reactions from passersby. While some supported the cause, others were vehemently opposed to the idea of polygamy.

“I don’t think this is the solution to the problem,” said one onlooker. “Instead of promoting polygamy, we should focus on empowering women and promoting gender equality.”

Despite the controversy, the protesters remained steadfast in their demands, insisting that polygamy is a viable solution to the issue of spinsterhood.

Content by: Gertrude Nkansah Nkansah

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