It is always important to learn to read signs of trouble in relationships so as to avoid more trouble in the future. Many a time these warning signs are signs of something more serious and, if not attended to, will cause havoc. Below are the ten things in a relationship you should never turn a blind eye to.
- Lack of Communication
Any sign that your partner cannot engage in serious discussion or simply closes his or her ears when you try to start one signifies danger ahead. Marriages are expected to have a healthy and proper communication aspect; otherwise, the couple remains in conflicts and with unsettled problems.
- Disrespect
Each individual of the society has the right to be treated with respect in any aspect of the society. If your partner humiliates you, ignores your emotions, or scolds you all the time, this can be considered disrespect. If this behaviour is continued, it leads to low self-esteem and weakening of the relationship.
- Controlling Behaviour
This is unhealthy behaviour if your partner insists on deciding for you where you should be, who you should meet, or what you should be doing. You start finding that the things that your controlling partner does, he is just doing them because he wants to control you under the guise of care or love.
- Jealousy and Possessiveness
If one is a little jealous, then it is understandable, but being too jealous and possessive is not healthy at all. If your partner becomes overly jealous, if he or she challenges you right and left, if they push you away from friends and relatives, this might signal insecurity that may turn into more serious things.
- Lack of Trust
In any relationship, there is a thick belief or reliance, and that is what is referred to as trust. It is unbecoming of a partner to get involved in always questioning your honesty, asking to scan through your phone, or constantly asking about your whereabouts.
- Frequent Lies
It is said that little things often lead to big things, or small things, namely lies or manipulation, may turn into something bigger. It will be very unadvisable to be with a person who always lies about serious issues. Lack of trust can be triggered by dishonesty, and this causes the identification of a breakdown of the business relationship.
7. Emotional manipulation
Emitting manipulation may not necessarily call for force, but it can be corrosive all the same. The third sign that your partner is controlling is if he or she has turned manipulation into an art by threatening to withdraw love if you don’t obey, drawing guilt for not following their ‘orders’, or swearing that they won’t be responsible for the consequences of their behavior. Emotional abuse makes one alter reality in a way that gives one a feeling of guilt as if he or she is to blame for something that he or she is not.
8. Lack of Support
As for the type of partner that one would like to have, it is the one that supports the positive changes in your life as well as stands by you whenever you are in trouble. If your partner refuses to acknowledge your dreams, mocks your accomplishments, or does not have your back as a lover, then s/he does not care for you.
9. Frequent Breakups and Makeup
If your relationship involves a lot of on and off, that should be a concern to you. This pattern suggests that there are matters that are continuously overlooked rather than being dealt with in most patterns.
10. Physical or verbal abuse
This basically means that staying in a particular relationship is not encouraged in any way if the partner is physically and/or verbally abusive or displays any kind of aggression. First of all, it is necessary to mention that nobody should be treated poorly, and abuse is not acceptable in any kind of relationship.
Having such signals in mind may assist you in making the right choices on whether to stay in the relationship or not. Such signs include, but are not limited to, the following: If the signals are noticed, they deserve direct handling, or otherwise it is worth wondering whether the relationship is good or not to engage in. If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, then obviously avoiding the situation will result in bigger issues later on.