Prophet Elvis Mbonye has released a video highlighting all his prophetic fulfillments this year, stating that they are; “for a sign and a wonder to you that you may rely on the LORD your God and that you may realize that in your midst the LORD your God has positioned Himself, just for you to rise up and rely on what is more real than the things that the scripture calls the “Glory of Egypt” – Isaiah 20:5”
The 20min clip published on his Facebook page early this month, features eight prophecies; that’s almost a fulfilled prophecy every month a feat that clearly sets him in a one-man league. With his prophetic accuracy and frequency already solidified over the years, his latest accomplishmentssurely mark him as the unmatched in the field.
The 500M service gratuity award scandal that caused a stir between the National Unity Platform president Robert Kyagunyi against Hon. Mathias Mpuuga the Member of Parliament for Nyendo-Mukungwe Division, a newly created constituency following the elevation of Masaka Municipality, is the one of the two local events of the eight prophetic fulfillments featured the clip. This particular prophecy was given 0n 27th May, 2014 years before the birth of NUP.
Other prominent global news headlines that were foretold by Prophet Elvis include the Dubai Floods and Justice Julia Sebutinde’s dissenting opinion in the South Africa v Israel ruling at the International Court of Justice that cast Uganda in the spotlight of international press.
The resignation of UK PM Rishi Sunak after the defeat in the general elections is another major event that was foretold and fulfilled this year. The shocking release of Julian Assange, ending a 14yr ordeal for the Wikileaks founder and the floods in Kenya that wreaked havoc in every corner of the country,punctuated by hailstorms in places that have never such, are on the clip too.
The death of Russia’s foremost opposition leader Alexie Navalny and the continued rise of the Kamala Harris to the headship of the Democratic Party sum up the precise but jaw dropping compilation of prophetic accuracy like never witnessed before.
Source: africatopforum.com