Review Omane Boamah’s appointment – NDC supporter petitions party


A concerned supporter and social activist of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Delanyo Agbe, has raised concerns about the appointment of Dr. Omane Boamah as Director of Election and ICT.

In a petition letter to the leadership of the party, Agbe argued that Dr. Omane Boamah lacks the expertise necessary to execute his duties effectively.

He highlighted some key points that Dr. Omane Boamah lacks, in executing his duties for the party to win the 2024 polls.

“I would like to draw your attention to the recent appointment of Dr. Edward Omane Boamah as the NDC’s Director of Election and ICT. While I acknowledge the party’s intent to diversify leadership, it is my belief that this particular appointment requires careful review due to concerns regarding Dr. Omane Boamah’s competence in the areas crucial to this role.

As a respected council of elders within the NDC, your insight and guidance are invaluable in shaping the party’s direction and ensuring its continued success. Therefore, I kindly request that you review Dr. Omane Boamah’s appointment based on the following grounds:

1. Lack of Expertise: Election management and ICT are critical components of modern political campaigning. Dr. Omane Boamah’s medical background, while noteworthy, does not seem to align with the intricate technicalities of information and communication technology and the complexities of electoral processes”.

NDC on August 24, announced the appointment of the former Minister of Communications, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah as its Director of Elections and IT ahead of the crucial 2024 polls.

The press release also contained the list of other new appointments made by the party ahead of the crucial 2024 general elections.

Read the full petition by Delanyo Agbe

Petition for Review of Dr. Omane Boamah’s Appointment as NDC Director of Election and ICT

Dear Council of Elders

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as a concerned NDC supporter and social activist, deeply invested in the progress and success of our party. It is with sincere respect for the principles and ideals of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that I humbly submit this petition for your consideration.

I would like to draw your attention to the recent appointment of Dr. Edward Omane Boamah as the NDC’s Director of Election and ICT. While I acknowledge the party’s intent to diversify leadership, it is my belief that this particular appointment requires careful review due to concerns regarding Dr. Omane Boamah’s competence in the areas crucial to this role.

The press release also contained the list of other new appointments made by the party ahead of the crucial 2024 general elections.

Read the full petition by Delanyo Agbe

Petition for Review of Dr. Omane Boamah’s Appointment as NDC Director of Election and ICT

Dear Council of Elders

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as a concerned NDC supporter and social activist, deeply invested in the progress and success of our party. It is with sincere respect for the principles and ideals of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that I humbly submit this petition for your consideration.

I would like to draw your attention to the recent appointment of Dr. Edward Omane Boamah as the NDC’s Director of Election and ICT. While I acknowledge the party’s intent to diversify leadership, it is my belief that this particular appointment requires careful review due to concerns regarding Dr. Omane Boamah’s competence in the areas crucial to this role.

I implore you to consider this petition seriously and to engage in an open dialogue regarding the concerns raised. The NDC’s future success hinges on our ability to adapt, evolve, and address shortcomings effectively.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I remain committed to the NDC’s cause and look forward to the party’s continued growth and success.


Delanyo Agbe

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