According to a Telegram channel, a voice message sent by Lieutenant General, Andrei Gurulyov, a deputy of the Russian State Duma to his colleagues in the State Duma Defense Committee was intercepted by secret services.
“The Kazakhs will be next. There is already a decision.”
An intercepted message that sends shivers down the spine, after Ukraine, Russia is ready to attack Kazakhstan and has already given its “green light” to do so.
It may be recalled that at the time of Russia’s invasion and attack on Ukraine, the Kazakh government had taken a step back from its privileged relations with Putin.
Kazakhstan, long considered Moscow’s most important ally in Central Asia, has opted for a very balanced position, even going so far as to send aid to Kiev with medicines, generators, or ambulances.
However, Russian Lieutenant General, Gurulyov, has already made extremely aggressive statements towards other countries. In this case, the remark about the supposedly already made decisions is at least intriguing.
Gurulyov was quick to reject the recording, calling it “fake and an attempt to stir up the situation with our Central Asian friends.”