Popular Ghanaian lawyer found dead in Dubai hotel


A prominent lawyer and partner at AB & David Africa, one of Ghana’s leading law firms, Nana Serwah Godson-Amamoo, has tragically passed away in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Reports from asaaseradio.com indicate that she collapsed shortly after returning to her hotel following a scuba diving excursion.

With over 19 years of experience in the energy and extractive industries, Nana Serwah was a highly respected figure in her field.

As a partner in AB & David Africa’s Natural Resources and Extractive Industries Practice Group, she represented clients on a wide range of matters related to natural resources, energy, mining, and other extractive industries.

Her expertise covered various legal and strategic aspects, including acquisitions, deal structuring, negotiation support, project development, joint ventures, and local content considerations within these sectors.

Nana Serwah also led the firm’s Government Business and Regulation Practice Group, advising African governments on public sector organizational and policy reform initiatives.

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She made significant contributions to the development of industry legislation, capacity building efforts, and support for enhancing systems and human resources.

Source: https://tigpost.co

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