National Security Ministry challenges Barker-Vormawor


The Ministry of National Security has challenged Convenor of #FixTheCountry Movement Oliver Mawuse Barker-Vormawor to produce evidence of his allegation that a $1 million bribe was offered him to stop his activism.

Mr Barker-Vormawor on Friday, September 22 told some journalists that while in the UK, he was asked to fly back home at the tax payer’s expense for a meeting with authorities while the Minister of National Security, Albert Kan Dapaah, induced him with $1 million to stop all his activism.

“While it is acknowledged that the Ministers for National Security, and Finance, and other relevant stakeholders, in 2021, engaged the convenors of the Fix the Country Movement to listen to their concerns, it must be stated emphatically that no offer of money or appointment was made to persuade the group to end its ‘activism’,” the Ministry said in a press release on Friday, September 22.

It described as “false, unfounded and a calculated attempt to hoodwink Ghanaians” Mr Barker-Vormawors allegations.

“The Ministry, therefore, challenges him to produce the alleged recording of the said inducement,” the statement said.

It urged the public to ignore the allegations and treat them with the “utmost” contempt they deserve.

Mr Barker-Vormawor made the allegations at the start of Day 2 of the #OccupyJulorbiHouse protest.

In a twist turn of events from Day 1, the protesters were allowed to proceed up to the 37 Military Hospital.

They have resolved to continue on Saturday, September 23.


Content by: Emmanuel Kwame Amoh

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