Ghana’s Supreme Court (SC) is a platform for serious business – Edudzi Tamakle to Ken Kuranchie


A member of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) legal team, Edudzi Tamakloe has said Ghana’s Supreme Court (SC) is a platform for serious business.

The Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Searchlight, Kenneth Kuranchie, has filed suit at the Supreme Court seeking interpretation on whether former President John Mahama can seek re-election.

Among what Mr. Kenneth Kuranchie wants from the Apex Court include “A declaration that on a true and proper interpretation of Article 66 (1) and (2) of the 1992 Constitution, a person seeking a second presidential term must be a sitting president.

“A declaration that on a true and proper interpretation of Article 62 of the 1992 Constitution, a former President of Ghana is not qualified to seek election as President of Ghana,” portion of the lawsuit reads.

Speaking on Starr Today with Joshua Kodjo Mensah the legal practitioner indicated that “we need to be serious in this country.”

“The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to interpret and enforce the 1992 constitution and the consequences that flow from that, it is very very grave. Look, when the Supreme Court interprets and enforces the Constitution and makes orders thereof, disobedience when you are president constitutes grounds for your removal. That’s how grave the engagement we are talking about is.

“Look, the Supreme Court jurisdiction to interpret the constitution is not the platform to, as it were, interpret and enforce idiocy. No. It’s a very serious jurisdiction. And for someone to sit down and give just anything absurd, they say I am going to court. What is the meaning of that? Let’s not encourage these attention-seeking freaks within our democratic space,” lawyer Tamakloe stated.

He continued: “We should not encourage it at all. The writ is so useless! What has Article 61, 62 and others got to do with John Mahama’s eligibility? What has that got to do with that? The man by the laws of this country is tied to two terms. He has done one term. He tried the second term in 2016, but it didn’t work. He tried 2020 it didn’t work. Is there any bar to the number of times (one can contest?) What is this ridiculous position?”

The NDC legal team member further asked that “can you imagine this thinking? The level of poverty, the poverty in thinking to the level of idiocy. I mean, what is this?”


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