The CEO of the Center of Awareness (COA) Research Manufacturing Company, Professor Samuel Ato Duncan, announced his firm with support from research partners in Dubai and South Africa has discovered an injectable vaccine that when given the needed support by the government, financial institutions and interested individuals can help Ghana earn 30 Billion US Dollars annually.
Professor Samuel Ato Duncan disclosed this in his remarks as the guest of honor during the opening ceremony of the ongoing Central 2024 Expo in Cape Coast. The expo is under the theme “Connecting minds, creating job opportunities in the Central Region”.
He expressed delight at the theme chosen for the expo, explaining it enables the globe to see how unique the Central Region is in terms of doing business. This, coupled with other reasons, he pointed out, led his company to continuously support expo and other equally important regional programs.
Prof. Samuel Ato Duncan was quick to point out that though his company is yet to get each of his discovered medicines registered for various diseases that it cures, testimonies received within the country and across the globe prove that the already known COA FS, and the three new ones like COA mixture, COA plus and the COA capsules have been of immense help to mankind across the globe.
Prof. Duncan noted that his research firm in conjunction with research partners in South Africa and Dubai has developed an injectable vaccine that could help find antidotes to stroke, viral diseases, cancer, and many others.
He noted that preliminary findings about this vaccine can help Ghana generate about 30 Billion US Dollars annually to address the nation’s financial challenges. He therefore called on the government, financial institutions, and interested individuals to partner with his company for the desired result.
He disclosed that the company has acquired land for the cultivation of the raw materials of the medicine. He therefore pleaded with interested traditional rulers in the country to release land for the cultivation of medicinal plants. He also pleaded with Africans to see the cultivation of plants as more dependable than mining of gold, diamond, oil, and lithium saying those resources do not have permanent solutions to the nation’s economic problems.
He identified China and Japan as countries that have been able to get to their present developments as a result of the respect they have for their indigenous medicine, and cultures and the support that the government gives to such ventures. He therefore called on African leaders and the citizenry for the same support.
He thanked the president of the Central Regional House of Chiefs, Odeefo Amoakwa Buadu, and the Central Regional Minister, Justina Marigold Assan, for helping to project the economic fortune of the region.
As part of the event, the management of the Central Regional Expo honored Professor Samuel Ato Duncan with a plague.
Source: News Ghana