It has emerged that the 88 police officers who are running all over the place seeking to be promoted from One rank to the other are going on an illegal demand .
This is because police regulations which has become public, exposes these officers as those forcing the police administration to indulge in an illegality to favour them.
For sometime now, the 88 officers who return to the service after completing further studies, have been calling for their promotions which have not been granted so far.
These individuals have gone to the extent of arranging media publications, to the Courts and now to the Committee of Parliament set up by the Speaker to look into the audio tape allegedly plotting to oust the current Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare .
But contrary to the demands of these 88 officers, the Constitutional Instrument ( C..I) passed by Parliament in 2012 to regulate the police service has not made promotions automatic after attaining further studies.
Regulations 37(7) of the C.I 76 states that “ an officer who attains higher education qualification is not entitled to promotion by reason of only that academic qualification “,
In view of this provision therefore, the demands by the 88 officers who are in court are not entitled to promotions.
The provision is therefore emphatic that promotion and study leave are mutually exclusive as far as the Police Service is concerned.
This regulation which has been in force for the past 11 years has guided the police administration and informed its decisions in arriving at promoting any officer under other former police administrations.
It is, however, not clear why these ‘gang ‘ of 88, have taken to this path which leads to illegality, when they are expected to know better.
It is believed that indiscriminate promotions without available vacancies brings about the situation where some positions are flooded with the same rank, leaving some idling about with others engaging in jostling for the same position.
Content by: Patrick Biddah