The Ghana Police Service has arrested a group of individuals who are members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) at the Royal N Hotel in Pokuase Amanfrom.
They are accused of engaging in ballot fraud by thumbprinting several ballot papers in favour of the NPP presidential candidate and the parliamentary candidates for the Amasaman and Trobu constituencies.
The arrests followed a tip-off, prompting a swift operation by the police.
During the raid, Police Officers seized key evidence, including a biometric voter (BDV) machine, a printer, cash, and multiple laptops.
These items are suspected to have been used in the alleged ballot-stuffing operation.
Eyewitnesses at the scene described the arrests as tense, with some individuals attempting to evade capture.
The police, however, maintained control of the situation and transported the suspects and evidence to the station for further investigations.
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