A Magistrate Court in Ilesa, Osun State in Nigeria has ruled against Rhoda Adu, ordering her to pay ?150,000 (approximately GH?30) to her boyfriend, Olapitan Sola, after she accepted transport money but failed to fulfil her promise to visit him.
The case began when Sola transferred ?3,000 (GH?30) as transport fare to Rhoda.
However, she switched off her phone after receiving the money and never showed up, leaving Sola feeling defrauded and emotionally distressed.
Frustrated by the incident, Sola complained to the Ayeso Police Station, which led to Rhoda’s arrest and subsequent trial.
During the court proceedings, Sola provided evidence of the transaction, including mobile money transfer details and WhatsApp conversations between the two.
These pieces of evidence supported his claim.
In her ruling, Magistrate Akogun Oludare found Rhoda guilty of breach of agreement and emotional manipulation.
She ordered Rhoda to refund the ?3,000 (GHC 30), pay an additional ?100,000 (GHS 1000) as a penalty for breach of agreement, and another ?50,000 (GH?500) as damages for emotional distress.
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