China warns US – ‘it’s co-operation or conflict


China today warned the US it must choose between ‘cooperation or conflict’ and said there is ‘no room to compromise’ on Taiwan during a visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his final day of a trip aimed at improving severely strained ties.

Blinken and Wang Yi, China’s highest-ranking foreign policy official, spoke for three hours on Monday at the ornate state guesthouse in the ancient Diaoyutai gardens, according to a State Department official.

Neither Washington nor Beijing has confirmed a meeting between Blinken and Xi, China’s most powerful leader in decades, whose meeting with President Joe Biden in November in Bali raised cautious hopes for a thaw in the relationship.

But American diplomats see a meeting likely with Xi.

‘The Secretary of State’s trip to Beijing this time comes at a critical juncture in China-US relations,’ Wang told Blinken, according to a readout from Chinese state broadcaster CCTV. ‘It is necessary to make a choice between dialogue and confrontation, cooperation or conflict,’ he said.

‘We must reverse the downward spiral of China-US relations, push for a return to a healthy and stable track, and work together to find a correct way for China and the United States to get along,’ Wang added.

He also issued a warning on Taiwan, the self-ruling democracy claimed by Beijing.

In the past year, China has launched live-fire military drills twice near the island in anger over actions by top US lawmakers.

‘On this issue, China has no room to compromise or concede,’ Wang told Blinken, according to CCTV.

‘The United States must truly adhere to the One China principle confirmed in the three joint US-China communiques, respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and clearly oppose ‘Taiwan independence’.’

Ahead of their meeting, Blinken and Wang offered polite smiles before the cameras and exchanged pleasantries.

They then headed into a meeting with their aides, who unlike their bosses wore masks in line with Covid-19 protocols.

Tensions have soared between the world’s two largest economies in recent years on issues ranging from trade to technology to Taiwan.

US officials say that they did not expect major breakthroughs from Blinken’s talks but they hope to reopen regular lines of communication to prevent mishaps from escalating into conflict.



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