5 promises you should never make to anyone


They bind intentions and expectations, creating a bond based on reliability and commitment. However, there are certain promises that one should think twice before making, as they can lead to disappointment, resentment, and strained relationships if unfulfilled. Here are five promises that it’s wise to avoid:

While it’s generous to help someone financially, promising to lend money when you have it can create awkward situations. People might rely heavily on this promise, adjusting their plans based on expected financial support.

If, for any reason, you’re unable to fulfill this promise when the time comes, it can lead to feelings of betrayal and resentment.

A better approach is to offer financial help as and when you are able without prior commitment, ensuring that any assistance is based on your current capability.

The promise of perpetual availability, “I will always be there for you,” is made with good intentions but overlooks human limitations

. Life is unpredictable—circumstances change, and sometimes, despite your best intentions, you can’t be there for someone. Instead of making this sweeping promise, focus on being present and supportive when you genuinely have the opportunity.

This approach keeps expectations realistic and reduces the pressure on you to be omnipresent, which is simply not possible.

This promise often manifests in romantic relationships as a pledge of eternal commitment. While it underscores a deep commitment, life’s complexities often render this promise unrealistic.

Relationships may evolve, and staying in a situation that becomes unhealthy or unfulfilling for the sake of a promise can be damaging.

It’s healthier to commit to working on the relationship and being honest about feelings as they change rather than promising an unchangeable future.

Attempting to change someone else or promising that you will change them can lead to frustration and disappointment. Personal change is deeply individual and cannot be guaranteed by someone else’s promise.

Instead of vowing to change someone, focus on being supportive and encouraging them to pursue their own growth and improvements at their own pace.

Keeping a secret can sometimes be a form of trust, but promising to keep a secret regardless of the circumstances can be harmful, especially if it involves something that could be detrimental to someone’s well-being.

It is essential to weigh the nature of the information and the consequences of keeping it confidential. Rather than blindly promising to keep secrets, it’s crucial to promise discretion but also maintain the discernment to act if the secret could lead to harm.

In conclusion, while making promises can reflect a deep sincerity, it’s important to recognize the implications of those promises.

By avoiding commitments that are unrealistic or potentially harmful, you can build relationships based on honesty, practical support, and genuine care.



Source: pulse.com

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