5 Heartbreaking Signs He’s Not The Man For You


1. Not Talking Much.

If he doesn’t talk much with you or avoids serious conversations, it can hurt because it feels like he doesn’t want to understand you or share with you.

2. Being Unreliable.

When he often cancels plans or breaks promises, it’s painful because it shows he may not care enough to make you a priority.

3. Not Comforting You.

When you’re upset or need comfort, and he doesn’t offer emotional support, it can be really sad because it feels like he doesn’t care about your feelings.

4. Breaking Trust.

If he keeps doing things that make you doubt him or if he hides things, it can be heartbreaking because trust is important in love.

5. Different Dreams.

When you both have very different dreams for the future, it can be painful because it might mean you won’t be able to build a life together like you hoped.


Content by: Mr Festus

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