4 policies John Mahama will scrap or review should he become president


Ahead of the 2024 general elections, former President and Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, has said he will scrap or review some key policies currently in place, should he assume office as president.

The scrapping or reviewing of these policies, according to him, will signal a commitment by his government to implement a new direction for the country.

Key of the policies to be scrapped or reviewed by the National Democratic Congress flagbearer is the Free Senior High School policy.

According to John Mahama, these policies need to be reviewed or scrapped to make them more relevant and beneficial to the majority of Ghanaians.


The first policy on John Dramani Mahama‘s radar is the scrapping of ex-gratia for all Article 71 officeholders.

This act of the constitution allows for the state to give retirement benefits to executive officials after their tenure of active service. These expenditures are charged from the Consolidated Fund.

This, John Mahama stated on March 2, 2023, will be scrapped should he get the nod to lead the country as its president.

“The payment of ex-gratia to members of the executives under Article 71 will be scrapped. And the necessary constitutional steps to abolish that payment will start in earnest in 2025.

“We will also begin the process of persuading the other arms of government other than the executives to accept the removal of this ex-gratia payment” he stated.

Teachers’ Licensure Exams:

The next policy the former president has said he will scrap is the compulsory licensure examination written by trained teachers, a concept he described as a ‘needless Licensure Exam’

John Mahama criticised the concept, deeming it poorly thought-through and expressed concern about requiring students from colleges of education to undergo an additional test before practising as trained teachers.


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